High Divide Landscape Conservation Design

The High Divide Collaborative is convening a process called Landscape Conservation Design (LCD) to support the Collaborative’s shared vision for conservation. The LCD produces strategies that can help organizations and communities address threats to working lands and natural resources and optimize their investments to ensure a sustainable future for the High Divide landscape. This bottom-up non-regulatory approach is flexible and responsive to the unique needs and diverse voices of the region and individual communities.

The LCD is led by the Leadership Team, which is made up of members of local communities, organizations, and natural resource agencies who live and work in the High Divide. Over the course of three years, the Leadership Team will:

  • Select landscape features that represent the broader ecology, culture, and economics of the landscape.
  • Build spatial models from the landscape features and evaluate the models.
  • Develop strategies using the spatial models to guide decision making on where, when, and how to best invest in collaborative conservation.